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OKM’s Manufacturing Process OKM閥門制造工藝

  • 發(fā)布日期:2014/6/5      瀏覽次數(shù):3324
  • 提 供 商: 上海申弘閥門有限公司 資料大小: JPG
    圖片類型: JPG 下載次數(shù): 297
    資料類型: JPG 瀏覽次數(shù): 3324
    詳細(xì)介紹: 文件下載    圖片下載    

                       The Latest Advancements in Design
    OKM employs the precision of Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology in the design of its wide range of valves.
    Process 2 
    Development Design Pattern & Die Making
    Quality Casting -
    An Essential Part of Any Valve
    OKM emphasizes quality control in the valve casting process. At OKM all founded surfaces must always be cleanly finished to ensure valve durability and reliability.

    Process 3 
    OKM Malaysia 
        Shot Blasting for Clean Surfaces
    OKM uses an exacting shot blast process to ensure that all cast surfaces are free of casting sand. The process sprays iron particles of 1mm (0.039″) in diameter over all cast surfaces before machining.
    Process 4 
    Casting Shot Blasting
    Machined to an Ultra-Finished Surface
    OKM carefully machines every part to guarantee years of trouble-free operation.

    Process 5 
    Rubber Lining Assembly
        Vulcanizing Extends Service Life
    All OKM butterfly valves are lined with specially vulcanized rubber to deliver low-torque, peak-free operation year after year.
    Process 6 
    Inspection & Testing Painting
    Final Assembly – the Key to Efficiency
    OKM takes pride in the efficiency of its assembly process – a process that delivers affordable butterfly valves to meet the increasing demands of industry.

    Process 7 
    Packing & Warehousing
    Shipping To World MarketsInspection and Testing that Ensures Quality After assembly, every OKM butterfly valves is 99% tested for leaks in the casing (shell tested) and the valve seat (seal tested), before packing and shipping to the markets of the world.日本OKM歷史悠久 ,具有50年專業(yè)生產(chǎn)蝶閥、刀閘閥歷史。 公司產(chǎn)品所占比重:蝶閥70%,刀口閘閥25%,隔膜閥等5%。本公司銷售的OKM產(chǎn)品都是由日本OKM公司進(jìn)口或引進(jìn)日本OKM公司技術(shù)在制造的,具有*的控制和密封性能。主要銷售產(chǎn)品包括OKM公司的蝶閥、刀口閘閥、夾套保溫閥;驅(qū)動(dòng)方式有手動(dòng)、齒輪傳動(dòng)、氣動(dòng)及電動(dòng)可供選擇。另外根據(jù)產(chǎn)品的使用工況要求,閥體材料及密封結(jié)構(gòu)可有多種優(yōu)化配置以滿足客戶對(duì)產(chǎn)品規(guī)格的不同需求,使閥門在多種壓力、溫度及介質(zhì)條件下確保密封性、抗磨性、耐蝕性及安全性。